Sen. Merkley disarms the U.S. and Israel

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley a few weeks ago called for cutting military aid (non-defensive) to Israel while they were in the middle of a major war against Hamas terrorists in Gaza and rocket attacks from Hezbollah in Lebanon (Hezbollah has fired 3,000 rockets so far) and rocket attacks from Houthis in Yemen.

This month, the United States had to borrow patriot missiles from Japan.  That is right, we needed to borrow Patriot missiles.  These were likely needed to offset ones we provided to Israel/Ukraine.  This means the United States is short on Patriot missiles reserves.

This comes as liberal senators push to reduce military spending.

The current bill to aid Ukraine/Israel/Pacific in the Senate includes a new order of 500+ defensive missiles.  Since Iran just launched 300 various aerial weapons in a single day it begs the question how long will ordering 500 defensive missiles last?

Don’t forget that U.S forces have been attacked over 100 times in the Middle East since October 7th.  Why reduce defensive spending during such a time?

The danger is real.

The world is more under fire than in the past 15 years.

Senators like our Jeff Merkley are playing politics while the world burns and he is throwing away the fire extinguishers.

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