After living on the outskirts of Bend for roughly seven years, Danielle McGovern decided recently to make camp in town on Emerson Avenue so she could be closer to services.

But on Wednesday, the 51-year-old will be one of dozens who will be removed by the city of Bend, which is citing safety and public health concerns as reasons for closing the street and clearing the camp.

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(2) comments


Why not--and there is still time for compassion to take hold at City Hall--cancel the evictions and, simply, let the folks be until the managed camp opens in 30 to 90 days? The Orwellian language of the eviction policy calls for "humane removal," but--really--uproots a chronically traumatized community; removes access to services, support, and medical care; confiscates possessions, and forces people to scramble to find still another location to continue their tenuous existence. Where is the legal team that could invoke the ADA to stop the City's heartlessness?

Smedley Doright

When I lived outdoors in Portland we said you only owned what you only owned what you could carry. So I had my passport and debit card and oregon trail card and a toothbrush and my bag of meds on me at all times. I knew that when I moved I could go down to any of the agencies and they would give me a new tent and bedroll and coat and shoes in about 5 minutes. Is it any wonder there are abandoned tents everywhere?

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